Back to School Success

Hello In Stitches Family! 

At this point, I think most of us parents are looking towards Back to School with either excitement, or dread, or maybe a little bit of both.

Which one are you?

So, we wanted to give you 8 tips on how to make Back to School a SUCCESS this year!


Kids are going to need a backpack, or at least a bag, to carry everything they need for the school day. Not all backpacks are created equal so make sure that it will last the WHOLE year. (Have you ever had your child come home with one handle of the backpack ripped out? Not fun.)

If your child would like to make their backpack more their own, we can help you with that by embroidering their initials or their favorite animal on the backpack! Just let us know!


Set up a routine. This may take a few days to nail down but a routine will make the mornings (and afternoons) so much easier. Each day, your child knows when they need to wake up, when they need to eat, when they put their shoes on, and when you’re out the door. If you’re like our blog writer, Ashley (Hi!), you will have at least a million alarms in your phone to accomplish this. It’s a pain but it does make things move quicker.

If possible, have your child complete any homework they have right after school while they’re still in that mindset.

lunch box

Make sure your child can open all the items you pack in their lunch. Practice it a couple of times before school starts. You might be surprised by how hard some things are to open.


Especially if your child is new to school, practice eating their whole lunch in the amount of time they will have at school. Some kids are slow eaters, or easily distracted, so if they know how long they have, it will be easier on them when it’s lunch at school. Because no one wants to pick up a hungry/grouchy kid from school!

pencil case

A pencil case is a nice way for your child to keep all the little things organized. And if you’d like that to be personalized, we can help you there!

water bottle

Your child will need a water bottle. In some schools around the country, the water fountains were shut off last year for…you know why… so a water bottle was imperative! But studies show that having a water bottle with a straw will help your child drink more water. Amazing, right?


Sleep schedule! Ugh! Summers are so nice to just let the bedtime routine go out the window, but with school starting, it’s time to start getting to bed on time. Again, no one wants a grouchy kid that first day because they are tired.

first day photo

Don’t forget the first day photo. Sure, it might be in the car, but it’s so fun to see how much your child changes during that year of school. Try to add that into your first day routine!

So, those are the 8 tips we at In Stitches came up with. Combined we have over 40 years of parenting experience, so we hope this might help!

Do you have another tip that has worked for you? We’d love to hear.

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