Stay Cool!

Hello In Stitches Family!  Tell us, is it getting hot where you are? Summer has definitely hit us in South Dakota so we’re thinking about how to stay cool!  (Who else wrote that in your friend’s yearbooks this time of year?) So, how do you stay cool when the temperatures aren’t? First off, stay hydrated! 

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Do you know your family?

Hello In Stitches Family! Do you have a big family? Small family? Is it time for a family reunion? It seems like so many of us haven’t seen much of our distant relatives lately. We could blame the virus-that-must-not-be-named, but I think it’s probably a little bit of overwhelm. So this is your sign that

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Logo Tips and Tricks

Hello In Stitches Family! Tell us, do you need a logo for your business? A while ago, we talked about how logos evolved from brands, which is still an interesting journey. But the answer to this question is, yes, you do need a logo for your business. Logos get in people’s heads. If I describe

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