Ideas for you

Santa’s Big Bag of Toys

Hello In Stitches Family! We are halfway through December and now it’s really time to start thinking about Santa and his big bag of toys! We can all picture it! Santa sliding down the chimney with his big bag of toys full to the brim! Everything he needs to make the holiday bright right there

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May We Suggest a Gift?

Hello In Stitches Family! Thanksgiving is right around the corner so that means we all need to really start thinking about Christmas gifts! Am I right? I feel like we’re friends so I can share with you something that is near and dear to my heart. This is so hard for me to share. Alright,

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It’s Halloween Time!

Hello In Stitches Family! Can you believe Halloween is just a bit over a week away? Love it or hate it, Halloween is going to look a little bit different this year! So we thought, why not come up with some FUN ways to celebrate Halloween safely! IDEA #1 Leave candy out on your lawn

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