Celebrating the 4th In Stitches

Hello In Stitches family!

The Fourth of July is just over 1-1/2 weeks away (how??) so now is the time to start thinking about how In Stitches can help you celebrate with your family!

But first, have you ever wondered why we shoot off fireworks for Independence Day? It’s something that has been a part of our celebrations since the beginning of our country! In 1777, Independence Day (as it would come to be known) was celebrated with bonfires, bells, and fireworks.

In fact, John Adams, our second president wrote a letter to his wife Abigail where he said that he hoped Independence Day would be commemorated with “pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more.” (Founders Online)

But even more than the wish of a president, fireworks symbolize the revolutionary spirit and the struggle for independence. They invoke the battles that have been fought for freedom. They serve as a tribute to the courage and determination that led to the creation of the United States. 

So, as you’re celebrating this great country of ours this year, why not get a shirt that shows how you feel. Here are a few of our favorites:

fourth of july t shirts

Or, do you have an idea? Let us know! We can help!

**Here’s the small print (though written bigger so you can still see it): T-shirts need to be ordered by Thursday, June 27 in order to be delivered by July 3, 2024**

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